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COTEC leitar nú aðstoðar okkar við að svara nokkrum spurningum varðandi þjónustu við skjólstæðinga okkar. Er munur á því hvernig þjónusta er veitt einstaklingum með mismunandi greiningar, er aðgengi að upplýsingum, námskeiðum, hjálpatækjum ofl. mismunandi eftir greiningum og eru greiningarnar etv. að setja okkur skorður?

Frestur til að svara er til 20. febrúar næstkomandi

Hér fylgir póstur frá COTEC með útskýringum og linkurinn á spurningarlistann er svo fyrir neðan.

Dear Members,

The researchers and myself are convinced occupational therapists do see many examples of inequity by disease in their daily practice. You may not always recognise this in your daily practice as an OT. However you may more readily recognise that inequity occurs in certain services such as welfare services, allowances, access to information, provision of adaptations, housing and/or reimbursements for devices which are denied to their clients sometimes on the basis of the clients diagnosis. 

Occupational therapists are interested in their clients functional level  they will often be working with clients with the same functional level but with different conditions.

for example: Clients who suffer from fatigue due to a heart condition might be referred to a programme to improve their 'staying power'. The same service may be denied to them if the cause of their condition is MS or cancer. 

Or clients who are being seen in one setting (clinical or at home) are not allowed to be included in a programme which would be very beneficial to them because it is only delivered in another setting. In other words the diagnosis or the health service delivery system gets in teh way of what will benefit the individual.

The organisation that is undertaking this research is closely related to the EFPC, of which COTEC is a member. The chair of the EFPC Jan de Maeseneer is involved in this research and has invited occupational therapists to join. It would be regrettable if we were unable to contribute to this research given that we have a real interest in and opportunity to influence the person centred delivery of services to clients. 

Please give this call your considered attention.

 We would like you to spread this information and the survey to your members

 The survey is slightly adapted and the deadline is extended to February 20.

 Stephanie Saenger

COTEC president



Dear member of COTEC

The department of Family Medicine and Primary Health Care of Ghent University and NIVEL (Netherlands Institute for Health Services Research) started a research project on "inequity by disease". One of the aims of this study is to make an inventory of "inequity by disease" examples and to describe the context in which this takes place.

We would like to invite you to become a participant in this research project. Participation involves completing the questionnaire below preferably before 31/01/15. This will take no more than 30 minutes of your time. With your contribution you can contribute to a better understanding of this concept and the conditions under which inequity by disease takes place. We are most grateful if you are willing to participate and your contribution will be acknowledged in the report and the paper.

Click on the link to fill in the survey:

With kind regards

Prof. dr. Sara Willems
Prof. dr. Jan De Maeseneer
Prof dr. Peter Groenewegen
Prof dr. Francois Schellevis
drs. Jens Detollenaere