Belgískur nemi vill koma til Íslands
Okkur hjá IÞÍ barst kynningarbréf frá Brik Goderis nú á dögunum, það hljóðar svo:
Dear Islandic occupational therapists
My name is Brik Goderis and I’m a Belgian student in occupational therapy, starting his 3rd, final year. During the second semester I’m supposed to have a international experience in the form of a four week internship in Europe. Due to corona issues, the project I originally engaged in in Denmark was cancelled and as a result I need to find another place and project in a very short period of time.
I would love to discover the ways of thinking of the Islandic OT’s and the organization of healthcare in general. It would also be incredibly interesting to learn about cultural differences related to OT as well as to daily life. I think both are important since the end goal of occupational therapy is to help people finding (back) their way to a normal way of living as good as possible. Four weeks is not that long, but I’m eager to learn a lot and meet the Islandic people. If your organization or team of OT’s would be open to take me along from March 7th until the first of April, I would happily receive your short message on If the suggested period would be unsuited, starting on January 31st can be considered as well. I know that Icelandic is the main language to turn to, and for sure I won’t be able to learn it properly by then. Although I’m open to try and learn some basic Icelandic I mostly will have to rely on my English-speaking abilities. Thank you for considering my request and hopefully I’ll meet one of you next semester.
Best regards, Brik Goderis.