Bréf frá dönskum iðjuþjálfanemum
Hi! We are three occupational therapy students from Denmark who are dreaming about coming to Iceland to do a three week internship in the month of February (week 6,7 and 8) on our 7th semester. We don't have any request on where in Island we can do the internship, because we are very open to explore any options that may be. Besides that, there is no demand for a clinical supervisor, as long we have a contact person. It is also not a paid internship.
We are three young, curious, energetic and vigorous women, who love challenges, especially if it helps strengthen our professionalism. We are very happy to have occupational therapy as a profession, because it's filled with different opportunities and it varies what you can do as an occupational therapist depending on which field you work.
We all have different experiences from earlier internships, work and voluntary work, where we have worked with neurological, medicinal, geriatric and orthopedic patients. We also have a lot of experience with rehabilitation. We are therefore very interested in seeing how it is to work in the somatic field as an occupational therapist in Iceland.
We would be thrilled to get an internship in Iceland, because we are certain that it will only contribute to strengthening our professionalism and us as individuals.
If you have any questions about us or the internship, you can contact us on all or either one of our e-mail addresses below:
We hope to hear from you.
Best regards,
Carina Andersen, Signe Svejgaard and Kawsar Guraa
From left to right on the picture --> Kawsar, Carina and Signe