Hádegisfyrirlestur 14. maí
Dr. Shanon Phelan er dósent í iðjuþjálfunarfræðum við Dalhousie háskólann í Halifax, Kanada. Hún leggur stund á gagnrýnar eigindlegar rannsóknir sem einkum snúa að inngildingu fatlaðra barna og ungmenna í skóla og samfélagi. Áhersla hennar er á að öðlast meiri skilning á lífi og aðstæðum barna og fjölskyldna og bæta tækifæri til iðju og þátttöku.
Fyrirlesturinn verður rafrænn og fer fram á ensku: What if inclusion was radical?: Centering belonging and agency in inclusion today
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Um fyrirlesarann:
Dr. Shanon Phelan, OT Reg. (NS), is an Associate Professor and Director of the SHIFT Collective at the School of Occupational Therapy, cross-appointed to the Department of Pediatrics, Dalhousie University. She is a critical qualitative researcher whose program of research focuses on understanding and improving opportunities for inclusion, belonging, and agency for children and young people who experience disability and their families. This program is informed by clinical experience working with children and families experiencing disability in schools and communities and a trajectory of research in childhood disability. Within her program, she has four main research streams: 1) Reimagining Inclusion and Belonging in Child and Youth (-driven) Culture; 2) Reimagining Inclusion and Belonging in Early Childhood, Childhood, Education and Childcare; 3) Reimagining Inclusion and Belonging in/with Families, Communities and Collectives; and 4) Reimagining Disability-Inclusive and Neurodiversity-Affirming Supports and Services. Dr. Phelan draws heavily on critical disability, neurodiversity, intersectional and feminist approaches to illuminate inequities and injustices experienced by disability and neurodiverse communities.
Many of the inclusion policies and practices for children and young people around the world are rooted in political and material conceptualizations of inclusion, driven by rights and citizenship. Although necessary, this approach falls short in dismantling the normative underpinnings of inclusion theories and practices. Children and young people who experience disability may have access to community spaces and childhood occupations, yet, they continue to report feeling lonely, excluded, and have limited social relationships. The exclusionary effects of an assimilatory approach to inclusion creates barriers to children and youths’ doing, being, and belonging, and this is an occupational justice issue. Drawing on critical disability theory and occupational justice perspectives, I propose a radical shift in how we envision and enact inclusion; one that disrupts ableists norms and moves beyond rhetoric towards actualizing a felt sense of belonging. In this session, I will discuss three radical shifts to reimagine inclusion: 1) Blurring the boundaries of normative expectations; 2) Recognizing disabled children’s agency; and 3) Centering belonging as fundamental. A radical inclusion lays the foundation for occupational justice - creating space for the (re)imagining of meaningful and non-normative participation in cultural life.