
Handspelkur - rannsókn

Til iðjuþjálfa sem starfa með skjólstæðingum með mænuskaða


Hér er beiðni frá Anna Hurdová nema í iðjuþjálfun í Tékklandi.


my name is Anna Hurdová and I am a student of a third-year of Occupational Therapy at the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen.

As part of completing my bachelor's degree, I am working on a thesis entitled “The use of a dynamic splints in the training of a functional grip in an individual after a spinal cord injury” in which I would like to compare the use of dynamic splints in the Czech Republic and abroad. I chose this comparison mainly because dynamic splints are not commonly used in Czech workplaces that focus on rehabilitation of individuals after spinal cord injury. Courses for mastering the production of dynamic splints are rarely held here and literature on this subject is also very difficult to find. Therefor I would be interested in the situation abroad - whether dynamic splints are used more, with which methods they are combined and much more.

I would like to ask you if it would be possible to publish this questionnaire on the official website of your association or to share it with the occupational therapists in some other way? The questionnaire is anonymous intended solely for the collection of data that will be subsequently interpreted in the practical part of the thesis. The questionnaire can be found under this link -

Thank you in advance for your time and willingness
Anna Hurdová